Gobe NDX 77mm Variable Neutral Density Lens Filter TFQF5_REAE892

$59.30  $45.97

Product details:

Our Variable ND2-400 Filter can be adjusted to block 1 to 8.66 f-stops of light, giving you more flexibility in bright variable light. By blocking up to 8.66 f-stops, you can use wider apertures in bright variable light for shallower depth of field effects, and slower shutter speeds for long exposure effects without overexposing your images. Cinematographers can use our Variable ND2-400 Filter to create more cinematic effects in bright light. For best results, only rotate within the MIN and MAX markings on the rim. With wide-angle and telephoto lenses, rotate only halfway or until you begin to see vignetting. Lens caps and sun hoods need to be one thread size larger (ie. 62mm NDX uses 67mm lens cap). All our circular filters come with a protective travel tin case, a recycled cleaning cloth, and recycled plastic-free packaging.