Royal Shade 4 x 50 Grey Fence Privacy Screen Windscreen Cover Netting Mesh Fabric Cloth - Cable Zip Ties Included - We Make Custom Size HPWM8_FQHO471

$50.00  $20.14

Product details:

" Measurement: Actual height is 5' 9"" , made to fit perfectly on 6 footer fence. Privacy: 90% blockage gives you the privacy you deserve, not completely blackout but the right amount of privacy and blockage. Measurement: Actual height is 5' 9"" , made to fit perfectly on 6 footer fence. Privacy: 90% blockage gives you the privacy you deserve, not completely blackout but the right amount of privacy and blockage. Measurement: Actual measurement is 3' 10"" x 50', made to fit tightly and perfectly on 5' tall fence. Privacy: 90% blockage gives you the privacy you deserve, not completely blackout but the right amount of privacy and blockage."

  • ? Measurement: Actual height is 3' 10" , made to fit perfectly on 4 footer fence.
  • ? Privacy: 90% blockage gives you the privacy you deserve, not completely blackout but the right amount of privacy and blockage.